You know, sometime i draw my female charcters and people tell me that they are too "deisle." I say BAH!! I went to see an african Dance show last week, It was incredible!! I couldnt help but notice the one girl who was soo defined. Her muscles were huge, but she wasnt exagerated like the body builder type. She was graceful, but BAD-ASS! One moment she was a Bad-Ass woman warrior and the next she was as graceful as a Queen. I draw my female characters as bad-asses only because i know how strong women are. This character of mine, Assata, is the leader of DSX..leader of a revolutionary movment. So is she gonna look like B'yonce or is she gonna look like a hard hitting revolutionary leader that will whup ur ass like a one legged man in an ass kicking comtest? Till next time Yall. PEACE AND BLESSINGS!! ^_^
There's nothing wrong with the female muscularity that you draw. It's just too much for the average person! The key word here is "average", which describes most people. The women you draw don't represent the male hormone abusers in female bodybuilding, so anyone who has a problem with how they look is simply drawing on their own biases about women's looks.
You and I both know that there are thousands of women blessed with natural, prominent muscles in the African Diaspora...and we are blessed to have them. I gave up the notion of weak-willed people with media-saturated brains opening their minds long enough to see representations of these women as just another kind of beauty a long time ago!
Since you're not scratching out stick women with poorly drawn DD's, you're bound to have detractors. Setting aside their personal taste in women (which doesn't have anything to do with the quality of your art) anyone frontin' on your superior design skills is just jealous, man!
she still looks cool though, i like her
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